Seller of Aftermarket Domain Names
“builtinbrand = powerofgeneric = builtinvalue”
“Generic domain name...your most prized-asset providing simplicity and clarity to clients in the marketplace.”
Domain Name = Digital Asset
Built-in-Brand Meaningful Descriptive Built-in-Value Memorable Keyword-Rich Pronounceable Easy-to-Spell
“instant + impact = powerofgeneric”
nyc.me | $5 million
boston.me | $4 million
providence.me | $3 million
401k.me | $7 million
brand.me | $950 thousand
nofee.me | $750 thousand
eco.me | $750 thousand
carshare.me | $750 thousand
payperview.me | $750 thousand
clientswelcome.com | $35 million
55pluscommunity.com | $8 million
cansellit.com | $35 million
insureonthego.com | $10 million
automatesavings.com | $7 million
smileswelcome.com | $8 million
automatefinances.com | $7 million
alldigitalallthetime.com | $950 thousand
investonthego.com | $10 million
401kfreeadvice.com | $950 thousand
automateretirement.com | $15 million
clientsfirm.com | $15 million
maxout401k.com | $950 thousand
patientswelcome.com | $20 million
unfitforwork.com | $950 thousand
rehabwelcome.com | $5 million
automateinvestments.com | $10 million
24houredge.com | $950 thousand
managinginvestors.com | $45 million
clientsgo.com | $25 million
allmobileallthetime.com | $950 thousand
55pluswelcome.com | $8 million
24hourhub.com | $950 thousand
mobileonthego.com | $5 million
edgycool.com | $10 million
stealthluxe.com | $850 thousand
membershipwelcome.com | $2 million
winsundaysellmonday.com | $850 thousand
madeinri.com | $950 thousand
provhub.com | $2 million
ribody.com | $950 thousand
rihub.com | $2 million
rilock.com | $950 thousand
“The single most effective way to build your business is to secure your built-in-brand, generic domain name your most prized-asset.”